Question Properties

The presentation of questions can be tailored via the Properties Pane. Properties are grouped into sections:

  • General - mandatory properties (e.g. question name, format), along with frequently used properties (e.g. filters, helper text, randomization)
  • Advanced - less frequently used properties (e.g. controls)
  • Loop - these properties will be visible when a loop is created.

To access the properties, make sure the Properties Pane is enabled using the toggle buttons.

Available Properties

The available properties differ according to the question type.

Property Section What Does It Do?
01 Question Format General Controls how the question appears to the respondent on screen
02 Variable Name General Specifies the name of the variable (eg. Q1, S3a)
03 Variable Label General Enter a description of the purpose of the variable (eg. Overall Satisfaction, Age, Prompted Brand Awareness)
04 Question Text General Enter the question or instruction for the survey respondent here. The Question Text appears above the answer code frame or input box
05 Define Filter General For questions that are only to be asked of a subset of survey respondents, the definition of those who are to be asked the question is specified here
06 Compulsory Question Advanced Controls whether the question is mandatory or optional
07 Helper Text General Appears as an instruction below the Question Text and above the answer code frame or input box
08 Question Footer Advanced Appears as text below the answer code frame or input box
09 Disable Advanced When this box is checked, the question will be deactivated
10 Hide General Check this box if you do not wish to display the question on the screen to survey respondents
11 Skip To Question General Select the question to which you want to skip using the drop down list
12 Module General Select the module that you want to insert into the script using the drop down list
14 Allow Export Advanced Controls whether the question will be available to download via the Control Panel
20 Width General Sets the width of any text input box. Width is specified as a proportion of the width of the screen (e.g. 90%)
21 Height General Sets the height of any text input box. Height is specified in pixels (e.g. 150px)
22 Max Length General To restrict the number of characters that the survey respondent can enter into a verbatim or numeric field, specify the maximum number of characters here
23 Multi-line General Check this box to change a verbatim field to a larger memo text field that will automatically expand as the respondent types in their answer
24 Verbatim Prefix General Enter any text or image that you wish to appear on the left of the text input field here
25 Verbatim Suffix General Enter any text or image that you wish to appear to the right of the text input field here
26 No Verbatim General To include a checkbox option under a verbatim text box, enter the text here (e.g. "No comment", "Don't Know", etc)
27 Validation Rule General Double click on the desired validation rule (from the drop down list) to ensure that survey respondents have entered a valid answer
30 Randomize General Check this box if you wish to randomize the presentation of answers to survey respondents
30 Randomize Columns General Check this box if you wish to randomize the presentation of answers within the columns of a grid question
30 Randomize Rows General Check this box if you wish to randomize the presentation of answers within the rows of a grid question
31 Rotate General Check this box if you wish to rotate the presentation of answers
31 Rotate Columns General Check this box if you wish to rotate the presentation of answers within the columns of a Grid question
31 Rotate Rows General Check this box if you wish to rotate the presentation of answers within the rows of a Grid question
32 Start Rotation General Select the first answer code that you wish to be rotated
32 Start Rotation Column General Select the first column answer code that you wish to be rotated
32 Start Rotation Row General Select the first row answer code that you wish to be rotated
33 End Rotation General Select the last answer code that you wish to be rotated
33 End Rotation Column General Select the last column answer code that you wish to be rotated
33 End Rotation Row General Select the last row answer code that you wish to be rotated
51 Show Next Button General Use to hide or show the next button for a specific object/page
52 Finish Action General For Instruction and Transfer questions, you must specify the action required when the survey respondent clicks on the ‘Next’ button

70 Days Before

General Used to limit the date range a survey respondent can enter in a Single Response Date Drop Down question

71 Days After

General Used to limit the date range a survey respondent can enter in a Single Response Date Drop Down question
72 Controls Advanced Allows you to tailor the presentation of slider questions using optional keyword commands
73 Scripting Notes General Enter any comments or notes relating to the question here
74 Use Loop Prefix Loop Check this box to insert a loop prefix (e.g. 'Loop_1') in each loop iteration. This ensures that answers to the questions within each loop iteration are stored separately
76 Min Count Advanced For Multi questions that require a specific number of responses (e.g. “Select 3 of the following”), specify the minimum number of responses required here
77 Max Count Advanced For Multi questions that require a specific number of responses (e.g. “Select up to 3 of the following”), specify the maximum number of responses required here

78 List Storage Order

Loop Controls the order in which loop driver answer codes are stored in computational memory
79 Loop Limit Loop Specify the maximum number of loop iterations here